The Plymouth Center for Behavioral Health | Individual Therapy

Leslie DeLisle, APRN

Leslie A. DeLisle , APRN, PMHCNS-BC has over 16 years of professional experience as a nurse and is a Board Certified psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse specialist.
At the Plymouth Center, Leslie provides consultation to patients referred by their primary therapists for evaluation and medication management, otherwise known as pharmacotherapy.
Ms. DeLisle has worked in a variety of settings, and most recently as a Program Director for the Psychiatric Nursing Resource Service at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. There, Ms. DeLisle provided direct consultation to patients and families admitted for medical or surgical care who had heightened psychological care needs related to their physical illness or a pre-existing mental health condition. In addition to her work at PCBH, Ms. DeLisle sees patients for psychiatric evaluation, medication management, and individual therapy at Westside Behavioral Health in Brockton, Ma. Ms. DeLisle has a medical / surgical nursing background and combined with her mental health specialization, has further strengthened her expertise in how physical health influences mental health, and vice versa. Fundamental to Ms. DeLisle’s practice is the philosophy that there is no health without mental health.
Ms. DeLisle recognizes that the decision to consider medication management to alleviate symptoms requires a trusting relationship with a provider, support, and education. Ms. DeLisle recognizes, validates, and supports your natural strengths while providing evidence informed treatment options to promote an improved quality of life.
Ms. DeLisle has co-authored peer-reviewed articles on delirium, alcohol withdrawal, suicide/ harm, patient falls, as well as advanced practice nursings response to the Boston Marathon bombing. In addition, she has written a chapter in a book on change leadership in complex systems.
Ms. DeLisle completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Boston College and a Master of Science in Nursing at Northeastern University.
Her interests include the management of mood and anxiety disorders, post partum and women’s health issues, and emotional reactions to stress, and physical illness.